An anxiety disorder can seriously affect quality of life. People with such a disorder are often unable to succeed in academic and professional fields as well as finding it difficult to lead a normal social life. Anxiety treatment can help with the management and control of the symptoms. It is possible to implement anxiety treatment independently but if that does not work then you can always opt for professional assistance. Listed below are some of the techniques used for anxiety treatment.
* Education about anxiety, its causes and symptoms.
* Proper breathing techniques for stress relief.
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* Relaxation exercises to reduce stress.
* Changes in the diet to exclude problem foods and encourage good foods.
* Confidence, assertiveness, and self-esteem building education so that you feel more confident in situations that cause you to become anxious.
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* Behavioral and cognitive therapy.
* Exercise program for better physical alertness.
Education is the key to anxiety treatment. There are several psychological and simplistic reasons that often lead to anxiety disorders and panic attacks. A good knowledge of why this happens is the first step in controlling the symptoms. Most anxiety disorders are caused due to invalid and imaginary reasons and only education and understanding can help to fight them.
People with anxiety disorder are unable to relax properly when muscle relaxation is a very important part of anxiety treatment. Many symptoms of anxiety are directly treated through proper relaxation techniques like abdominal breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation exercises. Breathing properly is very important because symptoms like hyperventilation can be better controlled if you can control your breathing during a panic attack. Abdominal breathing is far better than chest breathing for people who need anxiety treatment. Most people breathe through their chest, expanding and contracting their chest region. In abdominal breathing, the chest is kept steady while the diaphragm is used for breathing. Forming the habit of abdominal breathing means that in times of panic your body will not switch to a higher heart rate leading to hyperventilation and all its associated problems. Deep and controlled breathing is the basic concept in abdominal breathing.
Changes in diet can also help with anxiety treatment. For example, the magnesium helps in muscle relaxation. Sometimes magnesium deficiency could be the reason for depression and anxiety. The same applies to deficiency in vitamin B and calcium. Switching to a healthy diet that includes these vital minerals and vitamins will help with anxiety treatment. Substances like caffeine (in any form), nicotine, and alcohol increase stress by stepping up adrenaline production, so avoid taking them.
Adrenaline is also responsible for the physical symptoms experienced during a panic attack. Adrenaline is a stress chemical that urges the human body to "do" something in order to escape or fight the current situation. When the situation is imaginary, the body suffers from stress. A good way to burn up any stress chemicals in your body is to enroll is a good exercise program. Physical activity is also important in anxiety treatment. You must exercise for at least 30 minutes 3-4 days a week.